Callum Zavos MacRae

Marie Skłodowska-Curie POLONEZ BIS Fellow at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics, Jagiellonian University


Luck Egalitarianism, Exploitation, and the Normative Foundations of Socialism

Callum Zavos MacRae

Moral Philosophy and Politics, 2025, pp. 1-25

Does domination require unequal power?

Callum Zavos MacRae

Philosophical Quarterly, 2024, pp. 1-20

Socialism and non-domination: a relational egalitarian approach

Callum Zavos MacRae

Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 2024, pp. 1-25

Communists, Anarchists, and Suckers: A Reply to Spafford on ‘Conditional Exchange’

Callum Zavos MacRae

The Journal of Value Inquiry, vol. 57, 2023, pp. 477–485

Higher-Order Awareness of What?

Callum Zavos MacRae

Erkenntnis, vol. 88, 2023, pp. 2083–2095

Review of Nicholas Vrousalis, Exploitation as Domination: What Makes Capitalism Unjust

Callum Zavos MacRae

Res Publica, vol. 29, 2023, pp. 531–536

Under Review and In Progress (email me if you'd like to read a draft version)

— A paper about the grounds of the ideal of nondomination
— A paper on the relationship between relational equality and solidarity

— A paper about distributivism and fairness
— A paper criticising the non-tuistic model of market exchange